Directive Type#

The directive type is a string that specifies the type of directive. varST supports all of directives for substitution in reStructuredText.

The example of directive type is following contents.

Replacement Text#

Replacement Text is the most common type of directive.

$ varst 'varST=reStructuredText'

The above command will update the substitution data of replacement text.

- .. |varST| replace:: variable
+ .. |varST| replace:: reStructuredText

The substitution data of varST is updated to reStructuredText.


Image directive is used to insert images into the document.

$ varst 'image url='

The above command will update the substitution data of image directive.

- .. |image url| image::
+ .. |image url| image::

The substitution data of image url directive is updated to


Object directive is used to associate ambiguous text with a object identifier.

$ varst 'isbn=9780738201443'

The above command will update the substitution data of object directive.

- .. |isbn| book:: 0738201448
+ .. |isbn| book:: 9780738201443

The substitution data of isbn directive is updated to 9780738201443.